Welcome to A.C.T. International

Rev. Dr. Byron Spradlin

We're so grateful you've discovered us and pray that we can serve you and your ministry, now and in the future—because that's what we do.

Since 1973, our singular objectives have been to mobilize AND equip artistic and innovative ministries and missionaries for Christian work around the world.  Currently we serve some 500+ ministries operating in more than 50 countries across the globe.  We are honored to provide artists and innovators foundational services for their specialized ministry efforts including :

  • Non-profit status that allows contributions to be tax deductible

  • Administrative services (everything needed for receiving and distributing funds)

  • Coaching

  • Ministry accountability (you will not be alone anymore)

  • Pastoral support

  • Community connection with like-minded missional leaders

  • And many other support services

Our ministry leadership team and home office staff are uniquely qualified to understand and support the tremendous value of arts and innovative leaders that are focused on:

  • Creatively evangelizing non-Christian peoples

  • Edifying the body of Christ throughout the world

  • Equipping ministries and missionaries who specialize in creative methods of communicating the grace, mercy and love of God in countless ways

Thank you again for your interest in Artists in Christian Testimony International. We’re glad you are here! If you are one of God’s mission-driven leaders, we’d love to hear about your ministry and calling.

May the Lord richly bless you and your ministry as you fervently seek to share the good news of salvation through Christ Jesus wherever you may be!

Byron Spradlin
President, A.C.T. Int'l

P.S. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me at byron@actinternational.org

Rev. Dr. Byron Spradlin | Founder and President, A.C.T. Intl

As a young man in 1970, Byron Spradlin wrote down his assignment from God that’s guided every ministry effort for more than half a century, “to disciple and mentor people out of music and the arts, working them into the fabric of church, missions, and marketplace ministry around the world.”

Just three years later, he founded an organization dedicated to fulfilling that assignment and calling. Artists in Christian Testimony International reflects the heart, mission, and lessons learned through more than 50 years of Byron’s career as a musician, published songwriter, Bible teacher, church planter, pastor, professor, and international specialist on worship, imagination, and arts leadership. 

For a look at the complete history and mission of A.C.T. Int'l, click HERE.